
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

“Is Your Knot Secure?”

Love At Its Strongest
They literally tied the knot.

On Saturday in Wrightsville Beach, NC, I officiated a wedding for two friends whose families mean a lot to me.

To symbolize the unity of their relationship, the bride and groom could have lit a unity candle or poured together colored sand. Instead, they tied a sailor’s knot.

After Josh and Catherine exchanged rings, their mothers brought up a strand of rope to represent each family. The happy couple tied the two ropes as I read the following:

A sailor’s knot is the strongest knot there is.
Its bond will not break, but becomes stronger under pressure.
The two cords represent that a husband and wife are two individuals.
But when the two cords are joined in a knot, the union symbolizes that love is at its strongest when tied together.

Marriage Takes Three
I’m thankful Josh and Catherine know Jesus as Savior and Lord. For love to last a lifetime, they know their marriage requires three cords. Jesus is the unseen—but very real--third cord in their marital knot.

When Jesus is the third cord, the marriage bond has the best chance to survive. That’s why I love Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV):

Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Two strands might be enough when marriage is for better, for richer, and in health.Two strands might be enough when basking in the sunlight on a mountaintop.

Three strands are vital when marriage is for worse, for poorer, and in sickness. Three strands are vital when trudging through the darkness of a deep valley.

Josh and Catherine tied the knot and pulled on their end to show the knot was secure. I placed my hand over it and asked God to bless their union.

What a joy to be part of that sacred moment. I’m confident their knot will last.


  1. My heart is full of love. I have no words to describe the many blessings I received before, during and after the wedding. Many times during the weekend I thought about the miracle of Jesus, attending a wedding and turning the water into "choice wine". Truly, I felt His presence during our celebration as I drank the "choice wine" which in this case was the love from so many people. David, your family's presence during our celebration was vital to what felt like a wonderful week long festival. You spoke the truth with your words regarding the bonds of marriage being tested through many seasons of trials and triumph and the only way to secure the knot is by acknowledging the ever-flowing love and blessings given to us by God. Your family is one of those blessings for us. Much love, Mary Catherine

    1. Thank you, Mary Catherine. It was an honor to be part of this wonderful event. God's blessings abounded throughout the whole experience. We are grateful for your family's friendship.
