
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

“Under the Fig Tree”

Jesus’ Unusual Response
When they first met, Jesus said Nathanael was a man of integrity. “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.”

The disciple asked, “How do you know me?” 

Jesus replied, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you” (John 1:47-48).

What’s the big deal about Jesus seeing Nathanael under the fig tree?

In Praise of Fig Trees
In Bible times, the rabbis taught that the nicest tree under which to study Scripture was the fig tree. Large fig leaves provide abundant shade underneath the branches. An added bonus is that fig trees give off a pleasant odor.

Before they met, Jesus already judged Nathanael to have good character. He saw him diligently studying Scripture in the shade of a nice-smelling fig tree.

God speaks to us through the Bible. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Nathanael didn’t leave God’s Word hidden inside the sacred writings. He opened them and hid the truth in his heart to avoid sin against the Lord.

Sitting under the fig tree paved the way for Nathanael to become a follower of Jesus. The Son of God promised great blessings were in store for him (John 1:49-51).

So What?
When the Lord reviews our life, will we wish we’d spent more time on Facebook and Sports Center? Or will we wish we had devoted more time to the Bible?

Today is a new day. Let’s spend part of it under the fig tree.

Where is your fig tree? In the family room in the morning? At work on your lunch hour? At night in bed? Some other setting?

Today is a new day. Let’s spend part of it under the fig tree.                 



  1. Wow, David -- what a fun fact about fig trees! They have plenty of them in the Holy Land too. I'm starting my inductive study of Hebrews today. I wonder where I can find a fig tree in SW Va?

    1. Susan, I figured you saw a bunch of fig trees on your trip this summer. A biblical archaeologist and scholar named Jim Fleming taught me about fig trees at a seminar several years ago. It'd be cool to have a fig tree in our yard, wouldn't it? According to Micah 4:4, one day we will.

  2. We have two fig trees in our back yard...I'll never look at them without being reminded of this post, David. My "fig tree" is a chair in my office...or anywhere outside. Thank you for sharing!

  3. That's really cool, Mary. Inside or out, you have a great place for study and prayer.
