
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

“3 Steps to Real Power”

David and Goliath
His problem towered over him.

1 Samuel 17 narrates the battle of a young Israelite shepherd vs. a loud, arrogant Philistine soldier. Goliath stood over 9 feet tall and wore more than 100 pounds of armor. For 40 days, no Israelite soldier (including God’s anointed leader, King Saul) trusted God to overcome this enemy.

Until David arrived.

And took 3 steps forward to real power.

To Use Real Power …
Step forward with enthusiasm to accept the challenge.

David discerned 2 things.
One, God wanted Goliath and the Philistine army to be defeated.
Two, God wanted David to carry out this mission since nobody else would.

David urged the other Israelites to stay hopeful. As a shepherd, he’d killed lions and bears. He could meet this challenge.

Step forward with effectiveness to use the tools you know best.

If you wear a 36 regular coat, don’t borrow a 52 long for your job. Saul’s armor didn’t fit David either. He was too awkward and clumsy in it to walk around.

David wasn’t trained to wear armor. But, he had great experience using a sling and stones. He used the tools he knew best.

Step forward with energy to confront the problem with God’s help.

God empowered David's defeat of lions and bears, so he trusted the Lord for victory now. David declared that the battle belongs to the Lord. The shepherd would offer his hands, feet, and mouth … but God would bring down the giant.

David released the stone while running toward Goliath. God guided it to a spot on the giant’s body unprotected by armor. The stone didn’t just hit and bounce off; it sank into the Philistine’s forehead.

Real power. Problem solved. God wins.

Real power enables us to confront and conquer our giants.

What challenge is waiting for you to take 3 steps forward?



  1. David, I never noticed that David ran toward Goliath. Perhaps God can do His most powerful work through us when we aren't hiding in the shadows. I tend to do that, waiting until I think it's safe. A good post for me to read today. God can't heal my emotions if I refuse to step forward into His love.

    1. I'm glad this was helpful, Sherry. When we know that we know that we know God has our back, He can use us to do bold things we'd never dream of doing in our own strength.
