
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

“3 C's God Uses to Change Us”

A Memorable Vision
Are you ready for change? 

In Isaiah 6:1-8, God used 3 C's to transform Isaiah's life. God will do the same for us.

Smoke from coals burning on the altar filled Isaiah’s nostrils. Six-winged angels flew around God’s throne. Loud praise shook the room more than any concert or ballgame.

God’s 3 C’s changed Isaiah’s life forever.

Change comes when …

God’s holiness CONVICTS us.

In God's presence, Isaiah confessed he had unclean lips. He wasn’t living up to the standards God sets.

Isaiah didn’t minimize his guilt by saying his sins weren’t as big and bad as others. Nor did he suggest God should ignore his sin because his good deeds outweighed the bad.

He confessed his wrongdoing, which opened the door for God’s second C.

God’s holiness CLEANSES us.

Isaiah was truly remorseful, so God sent an angel to touch his lips with a burning coal from the altar. This symbolized forgiveness.

While some struggle to admit guilt, others struggle to accept mercy. They’re like prisoners who remain inside their open cell after the warden says they’re free to go. They refuse to walk free because they can’t believe their debt has been paid in full.
God didn’t want Isaiah to wallow in regret. God forgave Isaiah so he’d be ready to say yes to what was in store next. This opened the door for God’s third C.

God’s holiness CALLS us.

God asked, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

Isaiah raised his hand and stepped forward. “Here am I. Send me!”

What great faith! Isaiah volunteered BEFORE he knew the assignment. Not until v.9 did God explain he just signed up to be a prophet.

Imagine the faith needed to say, “Lord, the answer is yes. Now ask me your question.”

Transformation comes when God convicts, cleanses, and calls us. Like Isaiah, may we reply, “Here am I. Send me!”

What would you add to the conversation?



  1. Wow, David! I never thought of it this way. Very thought provoking. I hadn't noticed that he volunteered before he knew what he would be called to do. I hesitate way too often, even when I know His call.

    1. Thank you, Sherry. I'm the same way. It's hard enough to follow God's call when we know the next step. What a great step of faith to volunteer before knowing the assignment. Isaiah is a model of inspiration.
