
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

“The Power of a Question: Part 1”

The Master of Questions

Jesus loved questions. He told parables and gave commands, yet He knew the power of questions. They lower barriers and sneak by our defenses to reach the truth.

In 2012, Monsignor Charles Pope wrote “100 Questions Jesus Asked and You Ought to Answer.” http://blog.adw.org/2012/02/100-questions-jesus-asked-and-you-ought-to-answer/  

What Does Your Life Say?
Like Jesus, Parker Palmer encourages others to live the unique life our Creator made us to live. Writing as a Quaker, Palmer’s Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation speaks to finding one’s true calling. His guiding question: “Is the life I am living the same as the life that wants to live in me?”

I love this book. He once gathered some trusted friends (a “clearness committee”) to help him discern whether to become the president of an educational institution. They refrained from giving advice. They only asked questions to help Palmer discover his own inner truth.

Halfway into the process, someone asked, “What would you like most about being a president?” Palmer thought a bit, then shared a litany of, “I would not like this…I would not like that…” Reminded that the question was what he would most like, he continued to list what he would NOT like about being a school president.

Finally he stated what he’d like most about the job: getting his picture in the paper with the word president under it. His friend gently replied, “Parker, can you think of an easier way to get your picture in the paper?”

Realizing what a bad fit he would be for this position, Palmer withdrew his name from consideration (44-46).  

A Question for You
I want to compile a list of questions that significantly impact lives. For instance, one of the best questions I've ever asked was, "Will you marry me?" Mary Ethel said yes, and 23 years of marriage and a wonderful daughter have followed.

Next week I will share one of the most helpful questions I've ever been asked.

Meanwhile, I'd like to hear from you. What question(s) has significantly impacted your life?



  1. Aug 8 it will be 43 years since Charlie asked my to marry him. I'd call that a significant question!

    1. That's exactly right, Sherry! Congratulations to you and Charlie.
