
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

“The Best Story in History"

A Wordless Story
“Show, not tell” ranks near the top of instructions given to writers. Holy Week is the perfect time to take this advice to heart. The cornerstone of the Christian faith is Jesus' death and resurrection.

If we jump right from Palm Sunday to Easter, we'll miss everything in between. All the action on Thursday and Friday makes Palm Sunday and Easter so special. Those two celebrations are bookends to the best story in history.

Instead of me telling it to you, I'll let the following 10 pictures show you. 

As we observe Good Friday and Easter this week, I invite you to thank God for those who taught you the world's greatest story.

Is that teacher, pastor, relative, or friend still alive? If so and you have their contact info, why not thank them? They'd love to know they made such a difference to you.

God blesses us in order to be a blessing to others. Using these 10 pictures as a guide, could you explain Holy Week to someone with little or no familiarity of these events? You never know how sharing the best story in history could change their life.



  1. What a challenging question, David. Using just these 10 pictures...All the "Christianese" terms that come to mind would be lost on someone who hadn't heard this story before. I'll have to step back from my knowledge and return to the simplicity of a story about an unlikely King who chose to serve and to die for us.

  2. Sherry, thanks for stopping by again. The gospel is like a pool in which a child can wade and an elephant can swim. Like you said, a long-time Christian needs to use plain language and avoid "churchy" words in walking someone through this story for the first time. Hopefully the pictures would help in that regard.
