
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

“Three Ways to Elevate Your Role”

A Good Story
Acts 9 records the dramatic story of Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus.

As the supporting cast, Judas and Ananias show us that ordinary believers can play an important role in an extraordinary story.

How? By acting on 3 commands from God, our Director.

1. Offer Your Props
We all have props to offer to the Lord. A child gave Jesus 5 loaves and 2 fish. An adult loaned Jesus his donkey to ride into Jerusalem.

What props did Judas offer? The use of his home on Straight Street.

To the church, Saul was public enemy #1. After his conversion, he needed a safe place to stay. Judas opened his home to protect Saul until Ananias arrived.

 2. Follow Your Cues
A cue is a line, sound, or gesture. It prompts the actor to do or say something. The Lord prompted Ananias to go to Judas’ house and lay hands on Saul.

Imagine that the leader of ISIS suddenly converted to Christ. Then God asks you to go lay hands on him in blessing. Like Ananias, first you’d say, “Are you sure?”

Yet, after the Director reassured him, Ananias went straight to Judas’s house.

3. Deliver Your Lines
“Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 9:17, NRSV)

Hear the compassion in Ananias’ voice. Not mister. Not friend. “Brother.”

At once, Saul regained his sight and got baptized.

Because of their obedience, two ordinary people got to be part of the apostle Paul’s extraordinary life. Paul's missionary trips and his letters comprise a large part of the New Testament.

Offer your props.
Follow your cues.
Deliver your lines.

Who knows? Like Judas and Ananias, your role could become part of a story that will change the world.
