
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

“What Is Your Wish?”

Decisions, Decisions
If you could be granted one wish for yourself, what would you choose?






Something else?

If your biggest wish could come true, why did you choose this particular wish?

What Do You Want?
I ask “for yourself” because it’s unique to you. In the body of Christ, I suspect we share grand altruistic dreams, such as world peace and the elimination of hunger.

Jesus asked a blind man named Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51). God really cares about what we want.

Therefore, ponder what you really think, not what you “should” say. A clergy gathering was once asked to name their favorite Bible verse. The first preacher to reply said, “My favorite verse is the Holy Bible.”

Really? Yes, he is free to elevate the list of census names in Numbers 26 to the same level as Psalm 23 and John 3:16. However, I wonder if he felt compelled to give a nice “churchy” answer.

As Christians, we all would love for everyone on the planet to know and accept God’s love for them through Jesus. Isn’t that the goal of the Great Commission?

Besides the global expansion of God’s reign, what do you want most?

Imagine Jesus coming alongside to ask, “What do you want me to do for you?”

If you could be granted one wish for yourself, what would you choose?

Please feel free to share your answer in the comments section.



  1. My greatest wish is that ALL my loved ones receive Jesus as Savior so that our family circle will be unbroken in Heaven. Included in "loved ones" are dear friends as well. What's your greatest wish, David?

    1. Thanks for sharing, Connie. What a great wish. Today, my greatest wish is for God to confirm whether or not the growing desires in my heart were planted there by Him. If so, this yearning will come to pass and many lives, including mine, will change quite a bit.
